Chicken processing, canning, and pickles…our week in pictures…

This week marc processed our first batch of meat chickens of the year..(we normally do two rounds of meat chickens, and one small group of turkeys) he processed about 50 chickens, which translated to about 240 lbs of chicken, and over 80 quarts of chicken stock canned! Not bad for a weekend! Having the handy…

Garden update, mid July-ish…

 The solarium, full of greens! Above, greens, flowers and basil… a A few of the beds, eggplant, broccoli and cabbage.. More broccoli, and greens planted around the lilac… Squash and potatoes…the largest portion of the garden.. The raised beds of beans for drying, and rhubarb and strawberry beds….(above) Above, chickens, and the pickle garden (cucumber…

Cherry canning!

Over 60 lbs of cherries, 3 giant boxes…fresh from Fix brothers farm in  Hudson valley, NY….for us to can (and eat).  This year I made roasted rhubarb and cherry preserves, cherries in syrup, and brandied cherries! Next up, more rhubarb, and then on to raspberries (hopefully) and then peaches and plums.  This was my first…